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April 8, 2022

(Career based consortia Biofertilizer, all plant nutrition)

Proportion to use:

Use 10 kg to 20kg in 1 Bigha land, depending on the crop (and requirement)


  • Contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium bacteria, that targets the unavailable phosphorus and potassium in the soil, making it available.
  • Supplies nitrogen to plants by stabilizing nitrogen from the air.
  • Rapidly builds new cells in plants that facilitates cell division.
  • It activates the N.P.K. present in the soil, which increases the level of amino acids, and helps in protein formation.
  • Increases the crop’s growth, health, fruit size, and weight, leading to hefty production growth by 15 to 20 per cent.
  • No need to use any other fertilizer.


50 kg

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April 8, 2022


Bio-POTASH is a carrier-based granular bio fertilizer which contains highly efficient bacterial species of Bio potash with the count of 5x107cfu / gm as per FCO norms. Potassium is also an important macronutrient as Nitrogen and Phosphorus for the complete growth of plants. Potassium can be easily available to plants through the process of mineralization by Bio-POTASH.


  • Significant enhancement of seed seedling vigour, plant growth, yield, and K uptake by plants.
  • Adequate quantities of potassium also help the plant
  • Develops resistance in plants against diseases and environmental stress conditions.
  • Mineralized form of potassium plays a key role in the formation of sugars which helps in attaining quality yields.
  • Improves the pigmentation and shelf life of farm produce.


50 KG

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March 28, 2022

Proportion to use:

25 kg in 1 acre (as per requirement)

Why is Calsiphos Magnesium required?


  • The use of amino chelated supplements provides crops with requisite nutrients that helps in improving the immunity of the crops as well as enhances productivity as well.
  • It can be used in all types of crops.
  • Provides adequate amounts of micronutrients.
  • Improves the immunity of the plants.
  • It is one of the main constituents that help make chlorophyll in plants.
  • It speeds up the photosynthesis process, which helps in the speedy formation of nitrogen and protein.
  • Increases plant greenery and speeds up the food preparation process and the speedy formation of nitrogen and protein.


25 kg, 50 kg

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March 28, 2022

Proportion to use:

10 kg for every acre.

(Contains: Zinc: 5%, Ferrous: 2%, Manganese: 0.5%, Copper: 0.2%, and Boron: 0.5%)


  • Provides crops with complete nutrients that help in boosting their immunity.
  • Healthy plants lead to the best crop production.
  • It helps in the vegetative growth of plants, which leads to blossoming flowers and fruits and long-term immunity from diseases and infections.


5 kg, 10 Kg, 25 kg

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April 8, 2022

Proportion to use:

Use 50-100 kg in 1 Bigha land, depending on the crop (and requirement)


  • The use of Calsiphos Sendriya fertilizer makes the soil soft and fertile. It also helps prevent fungal, root rot, and crop wilting diseases. Eventually leading to high production of crops and benefits in saline soil as well.
  • It can perform as a substitute for many fertilizers (can also be used as primary and supplementary fertilizer).
  • Helps in the full development of the root, keeping the crop and the plant healthy. Hence making several crops such as cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables, cash crops and grains self-contained and healthy for longer.
  • It can be used with synthetic fertilizers to save extra costs.


50 kg

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March 28, 2022

Proportion to use:

Use 50-100 kg in 1 Bigha land, depending on the crop (and requirement)


  • The use of Calsiphos Sendriya fertilizer makes the soil soft and fertile. It also helps prevent fungal, root rot, and crop wilting diseases. Eventually leading to high production of crops and benefits in saline soil as well.
  • It can perform as a substitute for many fertilizers (can also be used as primary and supplementary fertilizer).
  • Helps in the full development of the root, keeping the crop and the plant healthy. Hence making several crops such as cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables, cash crops and grains self-contained and healthy for longer.
  • It can be used with synthetic fertilizers to save extra costs.


50 kg

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March 28, 2022

Proportion to use:

Use 50-100 kg in 1 Bigha land, depending on the crop (and requirement)


  • Contains 14.5 % organic potash.
  • It also contains secondary and subtle elements.
  • It doesn’t contain chlorine to save the plants from the harmful effects of the same.
  • The potash present in the enrich releases slowly in the environment, hence ensuring its availability to the crop for a longer time.
  • Its availability in granular form makes it easy to use.
  • It improves crops.
  • Improves the formation of flowers and fruits.
  • It’s necessary for the formation of starch and sugar.
  • Improves the product quality, which eventually helps in the promotion.


50 kg

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April 8, 2022

(Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria)

Proportion to use:

Use 50-100 kg in 1 Bigha land, depending on the crop (and requirement)


  • Contains phosphate stabilization bacteria that targets the unavailable phosphate in the soil, making it available.
  • Rapidly builds new cells in plants that facilitates cell division.
  • It activates phosphate, which increases the level of amino acids and helps in protein formation.
  • Increases the crop’s growth, health, fruit size, and weight, leading to hefty production growth by 15 to 20 per cent.
  • No need to use any other fertilizer.


50 kg

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March 28, 2022

Proportion to use:

Use 50-100 kg in 1 Bigha land, before sowing or after sowing, can be used for every crop.

Ingredients: Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur


  • Helps in improving the soil’s physical constitution.
  • Makes soil soft and fertile enough to ensure the seed development can be completed on time.
  • It also strengthens crop cells.
  • Helps in keeping the soil smooth and fruitful for a long time.
  • Destroys soil fungi and reaches plant roots to assist in its development as well.


50 kg

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March 28, 2022

Proportion to use:

Use 10 to 50 kg in 1 Bigha land (as per requirement) before sowing or after sowing, can be used for every crop.


  • The use of organic Prom fertilizer for farming keeps the soil fertile for a long time. Elements like organic carbon, Phosphate, and Nitrogen, play a vital role in the productivity of the crop.
  • Contains 8% soluble phosphate. It is received directly by the plant.
  • The plants keep receiving the soluble phosphorus until they reach maturity (10 months).
  • 7.9 % of Carbon helps improve the constitution and the pH level of the soil. Also removes the unnecessary salts from the soil.
  • Helps in the improvement of the metabolism level of the crop, which eventually increases the formation of chlorophyll, making the crop healthier.
  • Organic manure improves the constitution and fertility of the soil. Hence the farmers have to spend less on fertilizers. So, to get more production at less cost, own Calsiphos Prom today.


50 kg

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January 21, 2022


Symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria, Bio-Rhizo is essential in the agricultural field. This accurately formulated liquid contains selective Rhizobium strain.


  • Low cost input.
  • Increases N 2 availability & uptake.
  • Increases seed germination and yield.
  • Generates excellent root growth in the early plant.
  • Isolated & cultured from local environment the strains provide best result.



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April 8, 2022

(Zinc Solubilizing Biofertilizers with all plant nutrients)

Proportion to use:

Use 25-50kg in 1 Bigha land, before sowing or after sowing, can be used for every crop.


  • Calsiphos (Biological Fertilizer) contains nutrients such as zinc copper, ferrous calcium, manganese, boron, sulphur and other essential for plants like humic acid, amino acid to take care of each requirement of the crop at different stages.
  • Contains microorganisms that convert non-useful zinc into simpler organelles.
  • It makes available zinc in the soil, absorbable for the plants. Eliminating zinc deficiency in them.
  • Helps in increasing the action of photosynthesis as well as the branch formation process in a plant.
  • Improves soil’s physical constitution by increasing the microorganisms in it.
  • In addition to the significant growth of plants during irrigation, it helps in the growth and ripening of the fruit by providing them with the necessary enzymes.
  • Provides protection against fungal disease from the soil.
  • Increases the crop’s growth, health, fruit size, and weight, leading to hefty production growth by 15 to 20%.


25kg, 50kg

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