Krushi India

Zinc Solubilizing Bio Fertilizer

Zinc Solubilizing Bio Fertilizer

Method Of Use: It can be used at the time of planting and 35-45 days after planting.

Additional information

Packing Size :

25 kg Bag, 50 kg Bag

Dose Per Acre :

25 Kg :- Groundnut, Soybean, Cumin, Coriander, Pulses.

50 Kg :- Cotton, Wheat, Pearl millet, Maize, Sorghum, Paddy, Castor, Sesamum, Mustard, Potato, Onion, Garlic, Tobacco.

200-500 Gram Per Plant :- Mango, Banana, Custard apple, Sapota, Lemon, Guava, Datepalm, Pomegranate, Papaya, Coconut.

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Our Values

Granulated Fertilizer
Crop Production
Less Cost
Healthy Crops


  • ZSB makes the unavailable zinc to available in the soil. Eliminates zinc deficiency in plants.
  • Provides essential micronutrients like iron, copper, manganese and boron to crops.
  • ZSB contains humic acid, fulvic acid and amino acids that promote plant growth and development.
  • Helps in plant growth by providing enzymes.
  • Increases plant immunity.
  • Increases fruit shape and weight thereby increasing production and fetching better market value.

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